Онлайн камера Хитрость, Болгария

The largest river port of Ruse is located on the right bank of the Danube. The ancient Roman emperor Vespasian located here 2 thousand years ago, an important strategic fortress. Previously, there were settlements about which little is known to this day. The historical period, written down on paper, begins in the 1st century AD, when the Romans turned their attention to northern Europe. Since then, the conquerors have replaced one another, leaving their mark on this land, in the form of architectural structures, customs and cuisine recipes. Watch camera online in Ruse Most of the monuments in modern Ruse were built after the liberation from the Ottoman yoke and are unique structures that reflect not only Slavic, but also many other cultures. Gorgeous bridges across the Danube, historical monuments, architectural masterpieces, all this adorns the city and makes it attractive for tourists. The city of Ruse from a bird's eye view. Bulgaria What is the city of Ruse proud of? The city of Ruse has preserved many medieval monuments. Among them, the ruins of the fortress Sexaginta Pristsky, during the Roman rule, stand out. The tombstones that store the graves of the heroes of that time are still in good condition. More modern evidence of the heroic past of the Bulgarians is concentrated in the Pantheon. Here are the graves of the Bulgarian revolutionaries. A very interesting composition is presented in the art gallery, which contains works of local artists and world celebrities. Nearby is the building of the Apartment House, built in the neoclassical and baroque styles. The youth park is popular among tourists. Here is the Church of the Assumption, which, in terms of attendance, surpasses many of the churches of the Bulgarian megalopolises. In the center of the city there is a masterpiece of the Italian architect Arnoldo Tsoki - a monument to freedom. Bulgarians attach great importance to this symbol.
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