Live camera San Nicolas De Los G, Mexico

San Nicolas de los Garza is a city and municipality in the northeastern state of Nuevo Leon in Mexico. Included in the Monterrey metropolitan area.
Watch camera online in San Nicolas de los Garza
Located 9 km from the state capital of Monterrey and 706 km from Mexico City. History The first documentary mention of February 5, 1597 refers to the foundation of the city on September 20, 1596. The founder is Diego Diaz de Berlanga, who received land for cultivation here. The name comes from the name of the patron saint of the city - San Nicolas de Tolentino of Garza, in whose honor the first chapel was built here. Geography The city is located at an altitude of 500 to 900 m above sea level on the coastal plain of the northern bay in the catchment area of the Rio Bravo del Norte. Three quarters of the city's area is formed from alluvial deposits.
Authorities San Nicolas de los Garza is a municipality ruled by a democratically elected municipality president (municipal president or mayor) for a term of 3 years without the right to be re-elected. Representatives of Mexico's National Action Party have been in power since the 1980s. Economy In the first half of the 20th century, several large Mexican companies built factories in the city, making San Nicolas de los Garza one of the state's main industrial centers. Among the large objects in the city are the well-known companies Cemex (concrete production), Vitro (glass industry), Peñoles y Hylsa (metallurgy). In the late 1980s and early 1990s, huge shopping centers were built to serve a large population, after which trade came to the fore in economic activity instead of industrial production.